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Sagittarius (이스라엘)

관리자   /   2021-06-22


회사명: Sagittarius

대표: Meir Levy

소재지: 네타냐, 이스라엘

설립년도: 2013

홈페이지: https://www.sagittarius-bd.com/ 

개요: 이스라엘 기업들과 해외기업들의 전략 파트너십, R&D, 기술이전, Joint Venture 등에 특화된 Matchmaking 및 네트워킹 전문 컨설팅 기업으로 이스라엘을 통한 글로벌 진출을 지원합니다.

Sagittarius is a boutique business development company established in 2013.

We specialize in facilitating business partnerships, strategic collaborations, R&D, technology transfer, JVs and commercial collaborations between Israeli and foreign companies.

We offer tailor made services both for Israeli and foreign companies wishing to start and expand their international commercial activities.

Sagittarius provides ‘one-stop-shop’ services to its customers which include the entire necessary platform and business environment required for penetrating the defined market.

We create to each company the unique ‘suit’ to meet its business needs and requirements. Our activity focusses in representinting private companies, governmental organizations and academic institutes mainly from Europe and Asia.